Bond Watch: why Personal Assets prefers short bonds

Bonds come with different risk and return profiles. One key thing to be aware of is a bond’s…

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Nine multi-asset fund ideas for retired investors

Morgan – like Cook – rates Troy Asset Management’s Lyon but prefers his Personal Assets Trust, which focuses on…

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Investor Insights with Gordon Smith

In Episode #13 we spoke to Sebastian Lyon the co-founder & Chief Investment Officer of Troy Asset Management.

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Gold’s hitting new highs – why it’s rising and how to invest in it

Despite rising bond yields, gold is one of the top-performing investments this year.

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AJ Bell’s six ISA funds for investors of all risk tolerances

The platform highlights funds worth considering before the ISA deadline next week.

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Last-minute picks: Eight trusts and funds for ISAs

Personal Assets Trust is a defensively managed multi-asset investment trust where the experienced manager, Sebastian Lyon, puts a…

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Where to save and when: our guide to investing through the ages

Whether you are just starting your first savings account, or working out how to make your pension stretch,…

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Our Pick Of The Best ISA Funds

ISA funds are a tax-efficient way for individuals to hold a diversified portfolio of investments, with the aim…

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Personal Assets Trust: Equities are not priced for a recession

Manager Charlotte Yonge is bearish on equities but bullish on bonds.

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